Recordings and slides London - September 7-8, 2017
September 07, 2017

Recordings and slides London - September 7-8, 2017

Session I
Anja Tuulonen
Welcome and introduction
David Garway-Heath
Randomized controlled trials of clinical effectiveness and outcome measures
Richard Wormald
Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials and measures of effect
Augusto Azuara-Blanco
Diagnostic test accuracy study designs and risk of bias
Gianni Virgili
Systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy and measures of accuracy
Gianni Virgili
Systematic reviews of observational studies
Session II
Jenny Evans
Grading evidence for clinical guidelines
Toby Lasserson
Cochrane methods for live reviews and the evidence pipeline
Inaugural Next Generation Partnership Special Interest Group meeting
Session I
David Garway-Heath
Welcome and meeting objectives
Harry Quigley
Definition of Glaucoma
Richard Wormald
Care quality and effectiveness from the societal perspective
David Garway-Heath
Clinical markers of care quality and effectiveness
Norbert Pfeiffer
Outcomes Research - goals and ambition
Session II
Carol Bronze
What matters to patients?
Pradeep Ramulu
What patient-focussed outcomes can we measure?
Anja Tuulonen
Measuring care effectiveness: the Finnish experience
Joshua Stein
The IRIS registry: the American approach
David Crabb
Big data approaches to collecting outcomes