SIG Corner Editor: Hana Abou Zeid Chair: Julian Garcia Feijoo Co-chair: Keith Barton Preserflo MicroShunt: Minimizing Corneal Endothelial Cell...
July 21, 2024
SIG Corner Editor: Hana Abou Zeid Chair: Ananth Viswanathan Co-chair: Marta Pazos Mission To understand the genetic causes of glaucoma and the...
October 15, 2023
SIG Corner Editor: Hana Abouzeid Chair: John Thygesen Co-chair: Gus Gazzard The goal of this SIG is to further the promotion of knowledge about the...
July 30, 2023
SIG Corner Editor: Hana Abouzeid Chair: Gauti Johannesson Co-chairs: Esther Hoffmann, Anthony Khawaja, Francesco Oddone The goal of this SIG is to...
July 31, 2022
SIG Corner Editor: Hana Abouzeid Chair: Maria Francesca Cordeiro Co-chair: Miriam Kolko SIG neuroprotection keeps an eye on new initiatives within...
February 21, 2022
The goal of this SIG is to increase ophthalmologists’ knowledge on XFS and XFG, and to support the optimal clinical care in XFG in Europe. 1....
November 01, 2021
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Francesca Cordeiro Co-chair: Miriam Kolko The goal of this SIG is to increase ophthalmologists’...
November 30, 2020
2.1 Should laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) be performed in primary angle-closure suspect (PACS) patients? Last year we covered the EAGLE and ZAP...
October 01, 2020
Chair: Gabor Hollo Co-chair: Anastasios Konstas The goal of this SIG is to increase ophthalmologists’ knowledge on XFS and XFG, and to support the...
May 24, 2020
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Anton B. Hommer Co-chair: Gábor Holló The goal of this SIG is to keep an updated overview of glaucoma...
March 31, 2020
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Gauti Jóhannesson Co-chairs: Esther Hoffmann, Francesco Oddone, Anthony Khawaja What is the NGP? The...
February 19, 2020
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Leopold Schmetterer Co-chair: Luis Abegão Pinto 1. Ongoing projects The Ocular Blood Flow SIG and its...
October 24, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Ananth Viswanathan Co-chair: Fotis Topouzis NGP Co-chair: Anthony Khawaja NGP Co-chair: Panayiota...
September 30, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Julián Garcia-Feijoo Co-chair: Keith Barton 1. Ongoing projects SURGERY REGISTRY The European Glaucoma...
July 26, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Francesca Cordeiro Co-chair: Miriam Kolko 1. Goals of the SIG SIG neuroprotection forms the basis of...
June 27, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: John Thygesen Co-chair: Gus Gazzard 1. Goals and Activities of the SIG The Angle Closure SIG promotes...
May 30, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Hans LemijCo-chair: David Garway-Heath 1. Goals and Activities of the SIG The Imaging SIG’s main...
April 01, 2019
SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Anton B. Hommer Co-chair: Gabor Holló Update on ongoing projects The goal of this SIG is to get a...
February 28, 2019
IG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda Chair: Gauti Jóhannesson Co-chairs: Esther Hoffmann, Francesco Oddone, Anthony Khawaja 1. Update on ongoing...
January 24, 2019