EGS Accredited Training Centres
An EGS accredited teaching centre for the glaucoma Fellowship (FS) is a glaucoma department/unit/clinic within UEMS member countries fulfilling the teaching and training standards imposed by the EGS, including the requirements listed below, taking into account the overall quality of teaching and training. Teaching centres that fulfil all EGS requirements regarding the quality and teaching ability and conditions as well as the quality and expertise of the FS programme director/supervisor can apply to the EGS for the process of accreditation.
Eligibility to Apply
Requirements for Teaching Centres to Be Accredited by the EGS
- An academic teaching and training centre or affiliated centre with nationally recognised reputation for teaching and training in the field of glaucoma
- An adequate number of glaucoma patients (minimum 50 per week) to allow teaching and training of the fellow as required in the EGS fellowship syllabus
- Availability of the equipment fulfilling the needs of the EGS glaucoma syllabus for diagnosis, therapy, and follow-up of patients with glaucoma (EGS Fellowship Syllabus)
- Availability of the surgical equipment fulfilling the needs of the EGS glaucoma syllabus cataract and glaucoma surgery (EGS Fellowship Syllabus)
- At least two senior ophthalmologists/mentors experienced in glaucoma ensuring full-time presence or shared part-time presence
- Daily supervision of the trainee by at least one of the two mentors who share the responsibility of the trainee
- Medical and paramedical staff trained in the field of glaucoma
- Administrative staff to assist in relevant tasks
- A medical library or electronic free access to international ophthalmological literature
- Exposure to internal and external teaching sessions, meetings, congresses
- Wet or dry lab facilities (any type of surgical experience, plastic eyes, apples, animal eyes, etc.)
- A surgical simulator for surgical training
- For the clinical fellowship (EGS fellowship definition paper): supervised clinical research taking no more than 20% of the fellow’s clinical activity time
- For the research fellowship (EGS fellowship definition paper): supervised clinical activity taking no more than 20% of the fellow’s research activity
Requirements for Fellowship Programme Director(s)/Supervisor(s)
- A minimum of two fellowship programme directors/supervisors (full-time or shared part-time presence), with one taking full responsibility for the fellow’s professional development
- The senior and main fellowship programme director has a minimum of 10 years’ experience in glaucoma management and takes all professional responsibility for the fellow and their professional development
- Nationally and internationally acknowledged specialists in the field of glaucoma
- Activity in clinical and/or basic research
- Experience and dedication to teaching
- Availability for direct supervision
- Active support in clinical or basic research projects
- Active support of the fellow at departmental scheduled programmes, such as ward rounds, teaching sessions, journal club
- Dedication to evaluate the fellow every three months during an appraisal meeting with written feedback. At the end of the one-year fellowship training period, the programme directors must provide a final evaluation and a recommendation letter to the EGS education committee
EGS Accredited Centres
- Austria, Medical University of Vienna, Department of Ophthalmology, Glaucoma Section (Clemens Vass)
- Belgium, University of Leuven (Ingeborg Stalmans)
- Croatia, Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Glaucoma Referral Centre (Mia Zoric Geber)
- France, Bordeaux University Hospital (Cedric Schweitzer)
- France, Institut du Glaucome de Paris (Yves Lachkar)
- Germany, University of Mainz (Esther Hoffmann)
- Germany, Universitäts-Augenklinik Bonn, University Eye Centre Bonn (Karl Mercieca)
- Greece, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Fotis Topouzis)
- Italy, Clinica Oculistica IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino (Michele Iester)
- Spain, Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Universidad Complutense Madrid (Julián García Feijoo)
- Switzerland, (TAZZ) Talacker Augen Zentrum Zürich (Christoph Kniestedt)
New training centres are currently under evaluation by the EGS