The EGS Outcomes Project


  • TIdentify and agree evidence-based outcomes to assess the quality of care
  • Promote the assessment of the cost-effectiveness of care delivery alternatives
  • Encourage systematic recording and comparison of basic outcomes across major causes of visual disability

  • Activities:

  • The Outcomes Project to identify relevant outcomes in the Patient, Societal and Clinical domains for benchmarking glaucoma care across Europe
  • Contribution to the surgery project
  • Contribution to the Real World data project

  • Achievements:

  • Identification of a list of relevant outcomes for the Outcome Project
  • Definition of a Core Outcomes Set for designing clinical trials in glaucoma surgery
  • Contribution to the definition of relevant outcomes for EGS grant proposals
  • Chair
    Francesco Oddone
    Hari Jayaram
    Hari Jayaram

    United Kingdom

    Manuele Michelessi